Office of the Surgeon
Camp Atterbury, Indiana

From 4 May to 5 May 1944
Day, Date & Hour Place Instructor Nature of Instruction Study Reference Equipment
Monday, 4 May 0730-0830 331st Med Bn Training Area Maj. Clement Orientation school (Conference) None Blackboard, chalk
0830-0930 ditto Lt. Millman Organization and individual equipment (Conference and demonstration) T/O and T/E Med Supply Catalog FM 8-35 C2 Litter, Medical pouches, packets, litter securing straps
0930-1130 Ditto Lt. Penney Preparation of casualties for transportation. (Conference, demonstration and application) FM 8-35 Litters, blankets, prepared patients
1300-1400 Ditto Lt. McCoy Litter Drill (Demonstration and application) FM 8-35 Chapter 3, Sec. 2. Litters, blankets, 3 demonstration teams
1400-1500 Ditto Lt. McCoy Loading of litter (Demonstration and application) FM 8-35 Chapter 3, par 22 Litters, blankets, e demonstration teams
1500-1700 331st Med Bn Training Area & Obstacle Course Lt. Millman Litter carries over obstacles (Conference, demonstration and application) FM 8-35, par 23-24 Litters, blankets
Tuesday 5 May 0730-0830 331st Med Bn Training Area Lt. Penney Litter relay posts.  Wheeled litter carrier (Conference and demonstration) FM 8-35, par 26 Wheeled litter carriers, litters, blankets, blavkboard
0830-0930 Ditto Lt. Penney Ambulance loading (Demonstration and application) F< 8-35 par 37-41 Litters, blankets, ambulances
0930-1130 Ditto Lt. Millman Improvised carries, splints and litters (Demonstration and application) FM 8-35 Chapter 2, Chapter 3, par 15-17 Rifles, poles, blankets, overcoat, field jacket, fatigue clothing, bayonet and scabbard
1300-1500 Ditto Lt. McCoy Army arm and leg splint (Demonstration and application) Instructor's guide Army arm splint, Army leg splint, bandages, tourniquet
1500-17-- Ditto Maj. Clement Emergency medical treatment (Conference, demonstration and application) Instructor's guide Blackboard and chalk

Uniform will be wool O. D., leggins and helmet liner.
Each detachment senior NCO will report in writing to instructor names of men attending each class.
Each student will bring notebook, pencil, and medical pouches to class.

Two (2) similar schools will be held:
     1st school will be May 4th and 5th.
     2nd school will be May 15th and 16th.

All litter bearers are required to attend either of the two schools.  Rosters of the men to attend each school will be submitted to this office.

For the Surgeon:

1st Lt., Med Adm C
Office Executive
Contributed by John D. Bowen, National Archives Researcher
Page last revised 09/19/2016
James D. West
