(all photos from "The Cub", Camp Lucky Strike Edition, Sunday, September 16th, 1945
Courtesy of Mr. Sherod Collins, 106th Historian)

1 Nov 44

Maj. Gen. Alan W. Jones

"...Be proud of your assignment, of the fact that you have been selected for a combat division, that upon your shoulders rests the responsibility for the victory we have to win.  Never forget that your individual part is of first importance to the success of the division..."

JonesMajGen.jpg (10625 bytes)

22 Dec 44

Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin

7 Feb 45

Maj. Gen. Donald A. Stroh

1 Nov 44

Assistant Division Commander

Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin (Acting Commanding General 22 Dec 44-6 Feb 45)


1 Nov 44

Artillery Commander

Brig. Gen. L. T. McMahon


1 Nov 44

Chief of Staff

Col. William C. Baker


1 Nov 44

Assistant Chief of Staff G-1

Lt. Col. Max Roadruck


1 Nov 44

Assistant Chief of Staff G-2

Lt. Col. Robert P. Stout


1 Nov 44

Assistant Chief of Staff G-3

Maj. Charlie A. Brock


16 Dec 44 Assistant Chief of Staff G-3
Lt. Col. Charlie A. Brock
18 Feb 45 Lt. Col. John R. Kimmell, Jr.
1 Nov 44

Assistant Chief of Staff G-4

Lt. Col. M. S. Glatterer


12 Dec 44

Assistant Chief of Staff G-5

Maj. J. John Miller


1 May 45 Assistant Chief of Staff G-5
Lt. Col. J. John Miller
1 Nov 44

Adjutant General

Lt. Col. F. I. Agule


1 Nov 44

Commanding Officer, 422d Infantry

Col. George L. Descheneux


5 Apr 45 Col. William B. Tuttle
1 Nov 44

Commanding Officer, 423d Infantry

Col C. C. Cavender
(forced to surrender the unit to the Germans at Schönberg during fighting in the Bulge 18-20 Dec 1944.


1 Nov 44

Commanding Officer, 424th Infantry

Col. Alexander D. Reid

15 Jan 45 Lt. Col. Orville M. Hewitt
19 Jan 45 Col. John R. Jeter  
14 Feb 45 Lt. Col. Robert H. Stumpf  

Other Special Staff 

Lt Col. Earle B. Williams
Signal Officer

Lt Col. Jesse Bishop
Inspector General

Lt Col. William D. Veazie
Chief Chaplain

Maj. William L. Mowlds
Provost Marshall

Lt Col. Herbert B. Livesey, Jr.
Chemical Officer

Lt Col. Byrne A. Bowman
Judge Advocate

Lt Col. Royer K. Lewis
Finance Officer

Lt Col. Henry P. Killman
Division Quartermaster

Capt. Harry B. McNeel
Special Services Officer


Command Staff - Organizational

Commanding General  Major Gen. Alan W. Jones
Asst. Com. General Brig. Gen. Herbert T. Perrin
G - 1  Lt. Col. Max J. Roadruck
G - 2 Lt. Col. Robert P. Stout
G - 3 Lt. Col. Charlie Brock
G - 4  Lt. Col. Milton S. Glatterer
Chief of Staff Col. William C. Baker
Adj. General Lt. Col. Frank I. Agule
Chaplain Lt. Col. William D. Veazie
Chemical Officer Lt. Col. Herbert Livesay, Jr.
Finance Officer Lt. Col. Royer K. Lewis
Judge Advocate Lt. Col. Byrne A. Bowman
Ordinance Officer Lt. Col. William T. Manahan
Div. Quarter Master Lt. Col. Henry P. Killman
Signal Officer Lt. Col. Earle B. WIlliams
Provost Marshall  Maj. William L. Mowlds
Spc. Service Officer Capt. Harry B. Mc Neel
Division Engineer Lt. Col. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr.
Commanding Gen. Artillery Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon
Inspector General Lt. Col. Jewell K. Watt
Division Hqdtr's CO Lt. Col. Walter S. Glenney
106 Recon Maj. Ralph Kuzell
106 Signal Lt. Col. Donald R. Bodine
106 Quarter Master Lt. Col. Novinski
Div. Supply Officer Capt. Morris Piha
331 Med. Bn Lt. Col. Meyer S. Belzer
81st ENGINEERS CO Lt. Col. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr.
A / Company Capt. Harold A. Harmon
B / Company Capt. William J. Hynes
C / Company Capt. James E. Wells
Hq. & Service Co. Capt. N. Duke Ward 
Division Artillery CO Brig. Gen. Leo T. McMahon
Division Artillery Hdq's Capt. Harold R. Daun
Div Arty Executive Officer Col. Craig Malin Jr.
589th Field Artillery CO Lt. Col. Thomas Paine Kelley, Jr.
A / Btry Capt. Aloysius J. Mencke
B / Btry Capt. Arthur C. Brown
C / Btry Capt. Malcolm H. Rockwell
Hdq's / Btry Capt. Alva R. Beans   
Sv / Btry Capt. James B. Cagle, Jr.
590th Field Artillery CO Lt. Col. Vaden Lackey
Exec Maj. Meadows
S - 3 Maj. Irvine Tietze
A / Btry Capt. John J. Pitts
B / Btry Capt. James R. Fonda
C / Btry Capt. Albert W. Henderson
Hdq's, Btry Capt. Irving Chapnick
Sv / Btry Capt  Robert C. Ervin
591st Field Artillery CO Lt. Col. Phillip F. Hoover
Exec Maj. Carl Wohlfield
S-2  Capt. Gaggin
S-3  Maj. Broussard
A / Btry Capt. Arthur W. Corcoran
B / Btry Capt. Robert A. Likins  
C / Btry Capt. William C. Black
Hdq's, Btry Capt. Bernard L. Lockridge
Sv / Btry Capt. Martin M. Dolitsky
592nd Field Artillery CO Lt. Col. Richard E. Weber, Jr.
A / Btry Capt. Genero M. Mondragon
B / Btry Capt. J.C. Gillen
C / Btry Capt. Robert W. Smith
Hdq's / Btry Capt. Bernard Richman
Sv / Btry. Capt. Bernard Weiderman 
422nd  INFANTRY REGIMENT CO Col. George L. Descheneaux
Reg. Exec Lt. Col. Joseph C. Matthews Jr.
Reg. Hqd's Co Capt. Edward Bruce Foster
AT / Co Capt. Edward W. Vitz
CN / Co Capt. Joel T. Broyhill
SV / Co Capt. Charles R. Gibson
Reg. Exec Lt. Col. Joseph C. Matthews Jr.
Reg. Surgeon Major Malison Buckly
S - 1 Capt. Robert Fash 
S - 2 Capt. Henry McKee
S - 3 Major Henry Fisher
S - 4 Major Fitz Davis
1st. Battalion Lt. Col. Thomas L. Kent
Executive Officer Major William P. Moon
Hq's Co Capt. Eric R. Mills
S - 2 Lt. Michael Thome
S - 3 Capt. John Mohne
S - 4  Lt. Norman Swick
A / Co Capt. Bertram C. Finch
B / Co Capt. Thomas F. Littlejohn
C / Co Capt. Ralph P. Kulzer
D / Co Capt. Charles R. Porter
2nd Battalion Lt. Col. Charles Scales
Executive Officer Major Albert A. Ouellette
Hq's, Co Capt. Harry G. Meeleus
E / Co Capt. John S. Crocker
F / Co Capt. Neil P. Stewart
G / Co Capt. William P. Kielmeyer
H / Co Capt. Montague H. Jacobs
3rd Battalion Lt. Col. Donald Thompson
Hq's, Co Capt. Clair R. Ernst
I / Co Capt. David C. Ormiston
K / Co Capt. Henry J Harmeling, Jr.
L / Co Capt. Renata Spadola
M / Co Capt. William H. Perkins
423rd INFANTRY REGIMENT  CO Col. Charles C. Cavender
Regimental Exec. Officer Lt. Col. Fred W. Nagle
S - 1 Capt. Warren H. Stutler
S - 2  Major Hubert W. Johnson
S - 3 Major Allen B. Willand
S - 4 Major Sandra B. Helms
Regimental Hq's Co Capt. Sam E. Davis, Jr. 
AT / Co Capt. Charles B. Reid
CN / Co Capt. James L. Manning
SV / Co Capt. Russell A. Freas, Jr.
1st Battalion Lt. Col. William R. Craig
Hq's / Co Capt. Robert S. Moyer
A / Co Capt. Donald W. Naumann
B / Co Capt. James D. Moore
C / Co Capt. Julius A. Spence
D / Co Capt. James L. Clarkson
2nd Battalion  Lt. Col. Joseph F. Puett
Exec. Officer Major William J. Garlow
Hq's / Co Capt. Ryan E. Tomlinson
E / Co Capt. Maxey S. Crews
F / Co Capt. Charles J. Zullig
G / Co Capt. Edward H. Murray
H / Co Capt. Durgin J. Deland
3rd Battalion Lt. Col. Earl F. Klinck
Hq's, / Co Capt. Carl G. Goering
I / Co Capt. Wayne J. Moe
K / Co Capt. James K. Bricker
L / Co Capt. John B. Huyett, Jr.
M / Co Capt. James H. Hardy
424th INFANTRY REGIMENT CO Col. Alexander D. Reid
Regimental Exec. Officer Lt. Col. Orville H. Hewitt
Regimental Hqd's. Co Capt. Robert A. Burkes
AT / Co Capt. Frank C. Davis
CN / Co Capt. Joseph E. Freeland
SV / Co Capt. John Foley
1st Battalion Lt. Col. Lamar A. Welch
Hq's. / Co Capt. Wesley D. Griffin
A / Co Capt. William Wade Cashion
B / Co Capt. Charles S. Peyser
C / Co Capt. H. Hall Roberts
D / Co Capt. Robert Preucel
2nd Battalion Lt. Col. Leonard Umanoff
Hq's / Co Capt. Curtis F. Maynard
E / Co Capt. George R. Thigpen
F / Co Capt. Wiley L. Cassidy
G / Co Capt. Yale B. Cohen
H / Co Capt. Glynn Salyers
3rd Battalion Lt. Col. Charles F. Girand
Exec. Officer Major Knapp
S - 2 Lt. Leslie Struble
S - 3 Capt. Lee Berwick
Hq's / Co Capt. Rigsby
I / Co Capt. Raymond S. Kautz
K / Co Capt. Richard J. Comer
L / Co Capt. Ben Bertell
M / Co Capt. James B. McNinch
Page last revised 09/11/2016
James D. West