APO 408, U. S. Army
SUBJECT: After Action Report (Routine Activities)
TO        : Commanding General, 15th Army, ETO (Thru Channels) Attn: G-3

1.  Having been attached to the 106th (Lion) Infantry Division by Letter Orders, the Regiment was called upon for 160 enlisted men Cadre to reconstitute the 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments of this Division.  The Cadre selections, plus a fifty percent average, were submitted to Division for final selection.  The Cadre was selected and published on SO #66, 106th Division, dtd 31 March 45 (see inclosure #1).  Cadre departed via truck convoy to join their new organizations in the vicinity of RENNES, FRANCE on 3 April 1945.

2.  Company "A" was alerted and left the Regimental area for St Valeri, France on 2 April 1945 at 2100 with the tactical mission of setting up a beach defense against possible enemy landings.  The Company returned at 022400.  This Defense assignment was ordered verbally by Camp Commander, Camp Lucky Strike.

3.  The Regiment was ordered to move from the Camp Lucky Strike staging area to the vicinity of RENNES, FRANCE to join the 106th (Lion) Infantry Div.  Field Order #2, 159th Infantry Regiment (incl #2) moved the Regiment via motor march and rail to join the Division.  In this move the Advance Party departed 040400, first march serial Motor element at 060100, first train at 061600.  The Regimental CP closed at Camp Lucky Strike 062130 and opened at the new area, the Air Port St Jacques, RENNES, FRANCE, 062130.

4.  Training in preparation to take on a Combat Mission was begun by the Regiment under supervision of the 106th (Lion) Infantry Division, in accordance with Training Memorandum #10, Hqs 159th Infantry Regiment (Incl #3) dtd 9 April 1945.

5.  Verbal orders, directing that guards on all Posts be doubled and that sentries keep all weapons loaded while on duty, were issued by Division on the 11 April 1945.  Basic loads of ammunition were distributed to all units and all individuals began carrying their weapons at all times.

6.  The Regiment was placed on a five hour alert on the 14 April 1945 for possible movement in the direction of enemy resistance pockets along the coast of France.  THe 3rd Battalion was placed on a 3 hour alert status.

7.  The Regiment was again alerted to move, this time the destination was to be in the vicinity of MAINZ, GERMANY.  The move was to be combined motor and rail move.  The Field Order #2 (incl #4) was issued 162330 and the Advance Party departed at 170400.  The first march Serial order of the Motor element moved at 170600, while the first train departed at 171018.  While enroute word was received from TCP at CHARTRES, FRANCE at 171630 that the Regiment's destination had been changed to the vicinity of Remagen, Germany.  The XXXXXXXXX completed 211030 with the opening of the Regimental CP at 201600 in the vicinity of Sinzig, Germany on the west bank of the Rhine River.

8.  The Regiment received a Warning Order 201700 that its mission would be to process and guard Prisoners of War.

     One platoon (HMG) from each Heavy Weapons Company was alerted for the purpose of assisting in the quelling of any disturbance that might arise at the Remagen PWE.

     The development and operation of a new PWE at Sinzig was definitely made the responsibility of the Regiment and the 3rd Battalion was given the assignment.  Preliminary preparations were begun on the 22 April and the initial consignment of Prisoners started to arrive 241230.  Since that time the Camp has grown in size to 60,000.

     PWTE A-4 located in the vicinity of Buderich, Germany was assigned to the Regiment and further assigned to the 1st Battalion for operation by the Commanding General Adsec Com Z and their move commenced at 230800.

     The 2nd Battalion established a CP in the vicinity of Namedy, Germany and given the assignment of providing assistance in guarding PWs at PWTE A-5 at Sinzig and also at PWTE A-2 at Remagen.

     The Regimental CP was established in Bad Godesberg on 24 April 45 with an advance CP at Sinzig.  The Regiment was made administratively responsible for the Remagen PWTE at 1600, 24 April by CG Adsec, this responsibility was lifted by CG 106th Infantry Division after the enclosure eas reorganized.

     On the 28 April the 1st Battalion was given a Warning Order to the effect that they were to be relieved by the 3rd Infantry and would return to the vicinity of Sinzig for a further assignment.

9.  During the early morning hours of 25 & 26 April 3rd Battalion guards at the south end of the Sinzig Enclosure reported being fired upon by someone from the east bank of the Rhine River, some 600-800 yards distant.  Patrols from the i & R Platoon failed to disclose the location of these Snipers and interrogation brought forth no further information.  On the 26 April, two enlisted men from an AA Organization on the east bank of the Rhine met two German youths, one of whom carried a rifle capable of being used.  The youths were turned over to the district AMG Officer for disposition.  No further action of this nature has been reported.

     While firing was again noticed on 30 April by Sentries at the PWTE A-5 at Sinzig.  This firing was coming from the high ground west of the enclosure.  The regimental I & R Platoon reconnoitered the area and found several likely positions for Snipers but no leads as to who or exactly where the firing was being done.  The area was kept under close observation by patrols during the night of the 30th April, with negative reports.

10.  Personnel:
    Officers none
   Enlisted men  none
    Battle Casualties None
    Non Battle Casualties None
    Discharged None
Strength - Authorized  
    Officers 153
    WO 5
    EM  3,049
Present for duty  
    Officers 148
    WO 5
    EM 2,971

Change in Assignment:

     Captain RUSSELL J. DARLING, ASN O 273135, SD to Hq 159th Infantry.  Duty as Public relations officer in addition to his normal duties.

     Captain LEONARD MATYNIAK, ASN O 402982, relieved of command of A/T Co 159th Infantry and detailed to SD with Hq, 159th Infantry as assistant I & E Officer.

     Captain RAYMOND S PRICE, ASN O 406027, to command "I" Co, 159th Inf.  Later placed on temporary duty as Liaison Officer with 15th Army.

     1st Lt FRANCIS M COLLINS, ASN O 432514 relieved of duty as SX, A/T Co 159th Infantry to assume command.

     1st Lt LAURIEN ? DuTRE??N, ASN O 1293732 assume command of "I" Co, 159th Infantry during temporary absence of Capt RAYMOND PRICE.

     Key Officers in this Regiment:

KOTZEBUN, LEON L Colonel O 9700 Commanding
O'ORAZI, VICTOR W. LT Colonel O 364372 Executive
HEYER, ROBERT E. Major O 353768 S-2
HIGGINS, WILLIAM G Major O 382802 S-3
GAINOR, HUNTER D. Captain O 420861 S-4
LAKUSTA, WALTER Captain O 420861 S-1
SPITZBERG, RANDOLPH H Major O 411656 Regtl Surgeon
CHRDISTER, JOSEPH C Lt Colonel O 336349 CO 1st BN
WALSH, IRVIN H Major O 360900 CO 2nd BN
GIBBONS, ROBERT Major O 346826 CO 3rd BN

Attachments : To PWTW A-5, 6 - Off, 4 - Nurses, 51 - EM
Field Hospital....................... Co B, 81st Eng BN (Atched to 1st BN) BN, 2-Amb)

11.  Equipment and materials:  Theater of Operations weapons and T/O vehicles was assigned during the month as were some shortages in other T/E equipment.

12.  The Regiment's efficiency as a Combat Regiment is considered to be excellent; as a PWTE Administrative Regiment much in the way of practical experience and education is to be done.  The biggest problem confronting the Regiment is to supply and equipment the PWTE for which it is responsible and at the same time adequately feed and care for the daily increase in prisoners.  The securing of adequate food, shelter and clothing creates the biggest problem because of the lack of separate sections in which to place the prisoners after segregation, but this is gradually being overcome as the enclosure is completed.  The problem of Control and discipline is being met by the German Officers and their non-commissioned Officers themselves under our supervision.  The health of these prisoners is being cared for by a Prisoner Operated Dispensary for minor ills and a U. S. Army Field Hospital for the more serious cases.

Captain, Infantry

Incls: 5

1 - Extract Copu SO #66, 106th (Lion) Infantry Division
2 - Field Order #1, 159th Infantry Regiment
3 - Training Memorandum #10, 159th Infantry Regiment
4 - Field Order #2, 159th Infantry Regiment
5 - Unit Journal, 159th Infantry Regiment

6 copies to 106th Infantry Division Hqs
1 for Regimental S-3 files
Provided by Roger Myers and David Wiswar.

Page last revised 09/16/2016
James D. West
