1750 - 1808
A History of His Life And of Some of the Events
In American History in Which He was Involved
By Jeremy F. Elliot
  Benjamin Harrison was born in Orange County Virginia [1] in about 1750. He was the son of Lawrence Harrison of Virginia. He had brothers named William, Lawrence Jr., and Battaile.[2] One known sister was Catherine who married Isaac Meason. Lawrence was living in what is now Fayette County, Pennsylvania in 1768. Since Benjamin would have been about eighteen years old at this time, it seems likely that Benjamin moved to this area with his father's family.
Shortly before the American Revolution began, the colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia were approaching open warfare over the matter of civil jurisdiction [3] over present day southwestern Pennsylvania. The disputed area was bounded on the north by the Ohio River and on the East by the hills of which "The Laurel Hill" is a part. Virginia named the area West Augusta County or the District of West Augusta. West Augusta was later subdivided into Ohio County, Monongalia County, and Yohogania County. Pennsylvania named the same area Westmoreland County. Both states appointed civil officials over the inhabitants. In 1772, Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, officially established the county of West Augusta with Pittsburgh to be the seat of authority. At the same time he renamed that town: Fort Dunmore. On February 7, 1775, Benjamin Harrison was the leader of a squad of militia which broke open the door of the jail at Pittsburgh with a sledge hammer and released three prisoners. "Harrison was pleased to announce that it was done at the command of Major William Crawford". (Crawford was the Father-in-law of Benjamin's brother William.)." He further asserted that these orders empowered him "to press horses and what was necessary, and to go to Hanna's Town [4] to open the gaol and let the prisoners go out." This command, also, he proceeded to carry out. In the course of the expedition, two Pennsylvania constables, Captain James Smith and Edward Murray, were apprehended for daring to execute the duties of their office. It was reported that the party had authority to shoot any Pennsylvania officer who dared to oppose them in the execution of the orders. In the face of such threats, the Westmoreland Justices and their sheriff had little heart for carrying out their duties.
In November of 1776, the Thirteenth Regiment of Foot of the Virginia Continental Line [5] was organized under Colonel William Russell. The l3th was also known as "The West Augusta Volunteers". Benjamin Harrison was commissioned a captain in the l3th on Dec. 16, 1776. [6] In the spring of 1777 five companies of the l3th were sent to join Washington's army in New Jersey. The l3th Virginia became part of Brigadier General Peter Muhlenberg's brigade of Major General Nathaniel Greene's division. In September of 1777, Captain Benjamin Harrison was present at the battle of Brandywine Creek [7] near Philadelphia. In October, 1777, Captain Harrison participated in a major attack on General William Howe's British army at Germantown, Pa. [7] During the winter of 1777-1778, the l3th Virginia was with George Washington at Valley Forge. Captain Harrison and his company, however, were more fortunate. Harrison had been assigned to Brigadier General Edward Hand, Commander of the Western Department with headquarters at Pittsburgh.
In the Spring of 1778 the Continental Congress approved a plan to capture British held Detroit in order to relieve British instigated Indian depredations on the western frontier. [8] The 8th Pennsylvania and the l3th Virginia were selected to carry out this campaign. This detachment was to be commanded by Colonel John Gibson, new commander of the l3th. He had been selected by Washington because he was familiar with Indian warfare. The main body of the l3th was sent to Pittsburgh, supplies were accumulated, and plans were developed. The supplies were slow in arriving and the summer came and went. In the autumn, the plan was scaled down. Instead of moving swiftly from Pittsburgh for a surprise attack on Detroit, a fort was to be established in eastern Ohio. Such a fort might discourage Indian raids in western Pennsylvania, or even swing Indian support from the British to the Americans. Also, Detroit could be attacked more easily from an advanced post. During this period of preparation, the l3th Virginia regiment was redesignated as the 9th Virginia.
Before moving into the Ohio country, arrangements had to be made for passing through the territory of the American Indian allies, the Christian Delawares. Permission was granted and the army marched out of Pittsburgh in November of 1778. During this march, the two continental regiments were strengthened by militia.
Captain Benjamin Harrison was not the only Harrison along on this march. In fact, there was even another Benjamin Harrison. The "other Benjamin Harrison" was Colonel Benjamin Harrison from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Colonel Harrison was apparently not a close relation of Captain Ben Harrison. Col. Ben Harrison had been a captain during Dunmore's War in 1774. He had led a company of infantry against the Shawnee Indians at the battle of Point Pleasant (West Virginia). In November of 1778, he was not part of either of the continental regiments and he doesn't seem to have been part of the militia either. He may have been on special assignment because of his successful experience with Indian fighting.
Records [9] indicate that Captain Ben Harrison's brother William (militia) was also present for this campaign. Lawrence Harrison Jr. may have been present since he was a lieutenant in Captain Harrison's own company. Ben's brother Battaile had been killed in battle two years earlier at Fort Washington [l0] (New York City).
The army followed the Ohio river downstream from Pittsburgh. When they reached the point where the present Ohio-Pennsylvania boundary is located, they stopped and constructed a Fort. This Fort was named Fort Mclntosh after General Lachlan Mclntosh who had replaced Edward Hand as commander of the western department in May of 1778. A small garrison was left at Ft. Mclntosh and the main army continued westward to the Tuscarawas River. Here was located the Christian Delaware village of Goschagunk (present day Coshocton). The Indians asked that a fort be built at this site. The Christian Delawares had openly supported the American cause and had thereby incurred the enmity of the British and their Indian allies. For some reason the Americans decided instead to move upstream to a site near the present day village of Bolivar, Ohio. Here they erected a very small square wooden stockade. It was named Fort Laurens after Henry Laurens, president of the Continental Congress. After Ft. Laurens was completed, the main body of soldiers returned to Pittsburgh leaving Colonel Gibson and about 150 men. There are no lists indicating the names of those who endured the winter of 1778-1779 at Ft. Laurens but evidence suggests that Capt. Benjamin Harrison was among those who returned to Pittsburgh.
The winter was one of extreme hardship for the men and women at Ft. Laurens. The British at Detroit did send a force, mainly of Wyandot Indians to punish the Christian Delawares and to lay siege to Ft. Laurens. Since the fort was far upstream from Goschagunk, the Americans were of no help to the Christian Delawares. During the siege, a party of fourteen Americans left the fort to hunt for food. They were ambushed within sight of the fort and all but two of them were killed and scalped. The two that survived the ambush were taken captive. Food supplies in the fort dwindled but the British and Indians also ran short. At one time the Indians approached the fort to make a deal for food. John Gibson collected up every trace of flour in the fort which amounted to one barrel full. When he gave this to the Indians, he led them to believe that they could easily spare one mere barrel of flour. The Indians took this to mean that the fort was so well provisioned that a continued siege would be a long drawn out matter. The Indians promptly left and returned to their villages in northwestern Ohio and the few British returned to Detroit.
With the Indians gone, a supply train was able to reach Fort Laurens from Pittsburgh. The occupants of the fort, however, were so overjoyed at seeing the pack train coming that they fired their guns in celebration. This so frightened the pack animals that they stampeded into the woods spilling their loads. Practically nothing of the supplies were recovered.
In the spring of 1779 Capt. Benjamin Harrison was ordered to escort a train of pack animals to Ft. Laurens for the purpose of bringing out the garrison. He was given specific orders that the animals were not to be slaughtered and eaten.
Fort Laurens was abandoned permanently in the summer of 1779. Several decades later when the Ohio canal was being dug, there was absolutely no trace of the fort to be seen. In fact, the channel of the canal cut away about half of the site of the fort. Recent investigations by the Ohio Historical Society have revealed the remaining half. [11]
In March of 1780, Captain Ben Harrison of the 9th Virginia was asked to carry the following letter [12] to General George Rogers Clark:
Pittsburgh March ye 29th 1780
Dear Sir:
This will be Handed you By Captn Harrison who was Formerly a Captain in my Reigt & For Reasons he has Resigned. But I Can assure you he is a Gentleman of Charactor & has Allways Supported The Charrector of a Good & Brave Officer & Wishes to join you and any thing you Can Serve him in I would thank you to Give him your Interest. I am Sensible you Will find him Worthy of your notice- The News of this Place I Refer you to The Bearer - I Should be happy to hear from you please to Except my wishes for your well fare-
Richd Campbell Lieut Colo 9 Virga Reigt
Colonel George Rogers Clark in the Elyonie Country pr Favour of Capt Benjamin Harrison.
Capt. Harrison did join Clark in 1780. [13] Two letters from Clark dated May and June, 1780 respectively refer to supplies to be sent to Capt. Harrison's men. Lt. Col. Campbell probably uses the term "Resigned" because General Clark's campaign was initiated by the state of Virginia and had nothing to do with the Continental Army.
In 1781 the Revolutionary War essentially ended with the surrender of the British Army under General Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. At this time the number of troops in many American Units were reduced, Captain Benjamin Harrison was promoted to major at the time of his separation from the Continental Army in 1781.
Ben Harrison apparently settled down to a more quiet life after the war. He was taxed for a 300 acre farm in Franklin Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa. at which lived one horse, one cow, one sheep, four white persons, and no black persons. [l3] He did not give up the military life entirely though. He became colonel [l4] in the militia of Westmoreland County. In 1785, Benjamin Harrison set out from Pennsylvania with his wife Mary (Newell) Harrison and at least one child, Batteal. [l5] They traveled down the Ohio River to Wheeling. Here they stopped and stayed a while with the William Vance family who were relatives of Mary. During the stay Batteal became very attached to Mrs. Vance. When the time came to continue the trip, Batteal had become ill. Since there were also Indians raiding on down the Ohio River, it was decided to leave Batteal with the Vance family. It is reported that there were five Harrisons in this party when it arrived in Kentucky. Two of these may have been Ben's brother Lawrence Jr. and Cousin John. [l6] (Both of these men did move to Kentucky at some date.) Ben's other brothers had died before this migration to Kentucky was begun. Battaile Harrison had been killed in battle at Fort Washington in 1776 and William Harrison had been killed by Indians in Ohio in 1782.
Ben was quick to become involved in public affairs. He was elected first sheriff [l7] of Bourbon County, Kentucky. He was a member of the convention at Danville in 1787 from Bourbon County. He was also a member of the Danville Convention of 1788.
In order to understand Benjamin Harrison's activities in 1788 and 1789, it will be helpful to know the situations of several other men. Colonel George Morgan [l8] had been the Indian agent and commissary for the government during the revolution. He had been stationed at Pittsburgh at the time Ben Harrison was there. It is possible that they knew each other at that time. Morgan's fortunes did not fare very well after the war. He had been a junior partner in the firm of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan at the time of its bankruptcy. During the year 1788 Morgan and other backers were trying to purchase land in Illinois from the U.S. Government. This deal fell through probably because of the efforts of another man. Don Diego de Gardoqui was Charge' D'affaires representing the King of Spain to the American Government. One of Gardoqui's assignments was to alienate western Americans (Kentucky) from the American Government. It was even hoped that some sort of buffer state could be established on Spanish soil and settled by Americans loyal to Spain. At this time, Spain was in possession of the Louisiana Territory. It was obvious to all who lived at that time that Americans were sweeping westward and that it would take more than a river to block this expansion. Gardoqui recognized Morgan as a likely instrument for developing such a state. Gardoqui had a third party discreetly suggest to Morgan that the Spanish Government might help him in a land development scheme. Morgan was immediately interested. Morgan and Gardoqui quickly agreed on many details. The site would be bounded on the east by the Mississippi River and on the north by a line extending west approximately from the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. In the South the site extended to the mouth of the St. Francis River. The tract extended west from the Mississippi River by two degrees of longitude and would contain fifteen million acres. George Morgan was to be commander of the colony and subject to the King of Spain. Morgan was to have powers to appoint officials, raise militia, establish schools, and make concessions of land in full title. Settlers were to enjoy religious freedom. Some degree of self-government was to be arranged.
Gardoqui felt that he had done a brilliant job of protecting his king's interests in the New World and Morgan immediately began to publicize the venture and to interest Americans in following him to "New Madrid". These preparations were being expedited even though the Spanish King had not yet approved the plan. Also, the plan had not even been described to Don Estevan Miro, the governor and intendant of Spanish Louisiana.
In January of 1789, Morgan assembled an expedition of about seventy farmers, artisans, tradesmen, etc. The expedition probably began at Pittsburgh and picked up additional people during the trip down the Ohio River. It may have been during this initial trip that Benjamin Harrison joined Morgan's project. In the spring of 1789, New Madrid was a busy scene. Surveyors were at work, stores were built and fields were cleared. In May, with everything running smoothly, Morgan went to New Orleans to discuss routine colony business with Miro who was to be his immediate superior. During his absence, Benjamin Harrison was to be in charge of surveying a thousand farms.
When Morgan reached New Orleans, he found that Miro was not at all in agreement with Gardoqui regarding the establishment of a colony of Americans on Spanish land. And also, another American had presented to Miro a scheme which might better serve the Spanish King's interests. General James Wilkinson of Kentucky had proposed to bring Kentucky out of the United States and over to Spanish rule. Miro was not totally opposed to the New Madrid project particularly since it was well under way. But Miro would not stand for all the liberal policies that Gardoqui had assumed would be acceptable. Morgan could only be an assistant to a Spanish commander. This commander would be Pedro Foucher. Only the Catholic Church would be permitted in New Madrid. No self-government would be tolerated. Also, land was not to be sold but granted free. Another objection was the name of the colony. It was not to be called New Madrid but rather "L'Anse a la Grasse".
At about the time of Morgan's meeting with Miro, Morgan learned that he had inherited the estate of his late brother. He may have been more interested in the estate, or he may have been disappointed by the limitations placed on him by Miro. What ever the reason was, Morgan never returned to New Madrid but instead returned to Pennsylvania to live. After Pedro Foucher took charge of New Madrid, he replied to a petition from Benjamin Harrison saying that new settlers would not have to pay for land. Some of these settlers were Indians. Many were French whose ancestors had lived in Illinois under French rule during and before the French and Indian War.
Benjamin Harrison also left New Madrid for reasons unknown. His name does not appear on the Kentucky "Census" (tax list) for 1790. He was, however, a member of the Danville Convention of 1792 which formed the first constitution of Kentucky. In the same year, after the adoption of that constitution, Ben was elected senatorial elector from Bourbon County. In 1793, he was elected state representative from Bourbon County. While in this office, a new county was formed and named after him: Harrison County, Kentucky. Ben apparently remained in the state of Kentucky past the year 1800 since his name appears in the Harrison County census for that year.
During the first decade of the nineteenth century Louisiana was of great interest locally and also internationally. In 1801, Spain returned Louisiana to France and in 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte sold Louisiana to America. Benjamin Harrison returned to the Louisiana Territory sometime during that decade settling in the St. Genevieve District. This area is part of present day Missouri. Ben died in Washington County, Missouri in 1808.
Ben's children were Batteal, William, Julius, Mary, Jane, Catharine, and Aristides. After Ben's death, they applied to the government for bounty land to which Ben had been entitled due to his military service during the Revolution. Ben's heirs received warrant no. 6014 for four thousand acres to be located in the Virginia Military Tract in the State of Ohio. Most of this grant was located in the vicinity of Madison Mills, Madison Twp., Fayette County. Some of this acreage remains in the hands of the descendants of Benjamin Harrison at the date of this writing.
[1] Birth and death information according to D.A.R. genealogical summary of Mrs. Marcelyn Mary Martin Ashleman membership number 134241. See Reference A.
[2] The best authority for the male membership of this family is a deposition made by Lawrence Harrison, Jr. in the presence of two Justices of the Peace in Harrison Co., Ky. in 1796. The purpose of the genealogical information in this deposition appears to be in connection with a claim for bounty land for the military service of Lawrence Jr. himself and for his deceased brother Battaile. Land warrants were granted by the state of Virginia for the service of both men. These warrants were sold to and exercised by Lucas Sullivant who was an early land developer in the Columbus, Ohio area. This deposition is on file at the Virginia State Library.
The relationship of Catharine is mentioned in an article in the Western Pennsylvania Historical Society Magazine (Reference B, Vol. 20). It seems that at the marriage of Catharine Harrison and Isaac Meason in 1772, all witnesses and also the minister were to swear not to tell of the event. Several years later, her brother William Harrison saw to it that the witnesses were brought to court to testify to the fact that the wedding did take place.
[3] The border dispute between Pennsylvania and Virginia is described in an article entitled: The Life Adventures of Lieutenant Colonel John Connoll, found in reference B. The account of the jail break-in at Pittsburgh is taken verbatim from this article.
[4] Hannastown was the first county seat of Westmoreland County, Pa. It was named after Robert Hanna, an Irishman and one of the first county commissioners. Hannastown was located on the trail made by General Forbes during the French and Indian War. This was the Westmoreland County Seat from 1773 until July 13, 1782. On this date, the town was attacked by Indians and Tories. All but two buildings were burned and the town was not rebuilt. This was the last hostile act of the American Revolution. See Reference C.
[5] A regiment of the Continental Line was part of the Continental Army which was the American "Regular" Army at the time. The Thirteenth Virginia is rather difficult to follow through the Revolution. On September 14, 1778, it was redesignated as the Ninth Virginia. In February, 1781, the remaining men of the Ninth were transferred to the Seventh Virginia and in 1783, they were transferred to the first Virginia regiment. See Reference D.
[6] See Reference E.
[7] Benjamin Harrison's presence at Brandywine and Germantown is stated in a biographical sketch of Harrison appearing in Reference F. Kellogg's source of information is the Lyman C. Draper Manuscripts at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Draper had traveled about the Eastern U.S. interviewing descendants of Revolutionary War soldiers and pioneers. So the authority of this claim is only the "best recollection" of someone who knew of Capt. Ben. Harrison. According to records on file at the National Archives, however, Capt. Benjamin Harrison's Co. of the l3th Virginia Regiment was at Fort Pitt during the months of August and September of 1777.
[8] See Reference G.
[9] See Reference H.
[10] According to the deposition mentioned in note (2), Battaile Harrison joined Hugh Stephenson's (later Moses Rawling's) Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment as a lieutenant. Fort Washington was overrun during a bayonet attack by Hessian Mercenaries in November, 1776. Rawling's Regiment was forced to retreat and then surrender when their weapons fouled from repeated firing. Battaile Harrison must have been mortally wounded during this attack since the date of his death is the day after the attack. It is interesting to note that this same Hessian Regiment was captured by surprise attack when Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Eve that same winter.
[11] At present, the Ohio Historical Society operates a museum on the site of Fort Laurens.
[12] Although it is not known how Captain Harrison was employed by Clark, it is known that General Clark conducted a campaign against the Shawnee Indians in Southwestern Ohio in the summer of 1780.
[13] See Reference I, Series III, Vol.22. (Westmoreland County, Franklin Twp. Census of 1783.)
[14] See Reference F and Reference I, Series III, Vol.23. (Westmoreland Frontier Rangers 1778-1783)
[15] See Reference J. (William Harrison, author of this history, is son of Scott Harrison, grandson of Batteal Harrison, and great grandson of Benjamin Harrison, our subject.)
[16] Reference E indicates a Lt. John Harrison in the Ninth Virginia Regiment along with Benjamin and Lawrence. Reference F describes John as son of Lawrence and brother or cousin of Col. Benjamin and Col. William Harrison. The deposition mentioned in note (2) does not mention a brother John. The legal deposition would seem the more reliable, but the source of information for Ref. F was an interview of two sons of John. John Harrison is said to have been in Lord Dunmore's Division in Dunmore's War (1774). John was also present at the Revolutionary War battles of Brandywine, Germantown, & Monmouth.
[17] See References F, J, and K. The several conventions held at Danville were part of the process by which Kentucky became a state.
[18] A detailed account of Colonel Morgan's New Madrid adventure appears in Reference L.

A. Lineage Books, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution.
B. The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, The Western Pennsylvania Historical Society, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. Espenshade, Abraham H., Pennsylvania Place Names, The Pennsylvania State College, 1925.
D. Berg, Fred Anderson, Encyclopedia Of Continental Army Units, Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pa., 1972.
E. Hamersley (Ed.), Complete Army and Navy Register of United States Of America from 1776 to 1887, New York, 1888.
F. Kellogg, Louise Phelps, Frontier Advances Along The Upper Ohio, The Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
G. Pieper, Thomas I. and Gidney, James B., Fort Laurens (1778-1779), Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio.
H. Soldiers of the Revolution Who Lived In The State Of Ohio, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1938.
I. Pennsylvania Archives, Published By The State Of Pennsylvania.
J. Harrison, William, A Partial History Of The Harrison Family Privately published for limited distribution. In 1978 a copy of this book was in the possession of Mr. Rodger B. Baker of London, Ohio.
K. Collins, Lewis (Ed & Pub.), Historical Sketches Of Kentucky, Maysville, Ky., 1847.
L. The Mississippi Valley Historical Review.

Chronology of


compiled by

Isobel Stebbins Giulvezan

Afton, Missouri, 1973 

Lawrence Harrison, Sr., father of Benjamin, settled near- Stewart's Crossing, now Connellsville, Fayette County, Penn., prior to Mar. 30, 1768. Lawrence owned land adjoining Col. William Crawford who settled there on the west bank of the Youghiogheny River about 1767. (Veech, pp. 90-93, 118-19)

Crawford made surveys in the vicinity of Stewart's Crossing for Benjamin, William., Battle and Lawrence, Jr., sons of Lawrence Harrison. (Veech, P. 119)

This area in Pennsylvania where the Harrisons lived was claimed for awhile by Virginia. Therefore., records of Benjamin Harrison are found in Westmoreland County, Penn., as well as in Yohogania County, Va. until boundary disputes were finally settled in September 1780.

Westmoreland County was created by Pennsylvania in 1773 from Bedford County, with the seat of justice at Hannastown. Westmoreland took in the entire southwestern portion of Pennsylvania.

Yohogania County, which was created by Virginia in 1776 from West Augusta District, took in what are now the Pennsylvania county seats of Washington, Fayette, Westmoreland and Allegheny.

1770 - Benjamin Harrison settled on the Youghiogheny River in what is now Franklin Township, Fayette County, Penn. (See items dated Feb. 4, 1780 and Aug. 11, 1785)

1775 - Feb. 7 - Benjamin Harrison headed a party of Virginia partisans who broke open the jail at Hannastown and released the prisoners. Harrison had orders from William Crawford to "press Horses, Raise men, &c, Go to Hanna's Town, open the Gaol Doors and Set the Prisoners at Liberty." (Pennsylvania Archives, lst Series, V. 4, pp. 603-608)

1776 - Dec. 16 - Benjamin Harrison was commissioned Captain in the 13th Virginia Regiment, Regiment designated as 9th Virginia., Sept. 14, 1778. He was in service in 1780 and retired Feb. 12, 1781 with rank of Major. Awarded 4,000 acres, (Gwathmey, p. 354)

1776 - Dec. 23 - Commission of the Peace and Commission of Oyer and Terminer were directed to Benjamin Harrison and 30 others at a Court held for Yohogania County, Va. (Loveless, P. 78)

1778 - May 26 - A new Commission of the Peace and Commission of Oyer and Terminer were directed to Benjamin Harrison and 39 others at a Court held for Yohogania County, Va. (Loveless, p. 224)

1780 - Feb. 4 - Surveyor's Office, Yohogania County, Va.: Benjamin Harrison produced a Certificate from the Commissioners appointed to grant lands in the Counties of Yohogania, Monongahela and Ohio - 400 acres on the Youghiogheny River "to include his settlement made in the year 1770." (Survey Bk. C, v. 176, p. 236, Pennsylvania Dept. of Community Affairs, Harrisburg; see "Virginia Entries in Western Pennsylvania 1779-1780," Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, V. 3, p. 513)

1782 - Benjamin Harrison was Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Battalion of the Militia of Westmoreland County, Penn.; number of men., 123. (Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, v. 14, p. 695)

1782 - Benjn. Harrison served as Colonel on a tour of active duty in the Militia of Westmoreland County during September 1782 for which certificate of public debt #2641 in the amount of £10.5.10 was issued under the Militia Loan of Apr. 1, 1784 (pay £9.7.6, bounty £0.18.4). (Interest Register, v. A, p. 89, Militia Loans of 1784 and 1785, "Public Debt.." Records of the Comptroller General, at Division of Archives and Manuscripts, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg)

1783 - Benjamin Harrison was enumerated in the census of Franklyn Township, Westmoreland County: 300 acres, 1 horse, 1 cattle, 1 sheep, 4 white inhabitants. (Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, v. 22, P. 384)

* * *

Fayette County, Pennsylvania created Sept. 26, 1783 from Westmoreland County

* * *

1785 - Aug. 11 - By orders of the Board of Property (Sept. 15, 1784 and Mar. 7, 1785), a survey was made for Benjamin Harrison pursuant to a Certificate granted by the Commissioners from the State of Virginia, entered Feb. 4, 1780 - 290-3/4 acres and 6% allowance for roads, etc., on the Youghiogheny River below the mouth of Dickinson's Run in Franklin Township, Fayette County, Penn.

On Aug. 10, 1785, the day before the land was surveyed, Benjamin Harrison assigned to James Rankin, all his right, etc. in and to the "within land (400 acres entered Feb. 4, 1785) with a general warrantee the Lord of the soil accepted." (Survey Bk. C, v. 176, p. 236; Warrant #22, Fayette County; Patent Book P, v. 4, p. 60; Pennsylvania Dept. of Community Affairs, Harrisburg)

* * *

Traditions of Batteal Harrison,
son of Benjamin Harrison

Batteal Harrison was born in Sweetbryer? County, Va. in 1780. About 1783 or 1784, he was left by his parents at Wheeling, Va. with an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Vance.

Benjamin Harrison planned to descend the Ohio River and go into what became Bourbon County, Ky. Because the Indians were on the warpath, the party would travel at night and it would be dangerous to take Batteal along since he had the whooping cough.

Benjamin Harrison went back for his son six years later but the boy did not know him and did not want to go to Kentucky. The uncle, William Vance, said lie would keep him and educate him.

After he grew to be a man, Batteal removed to Belmont County, Ohio where he and his uncle built a mill in Ming's Bottom, etc. (Harrison, P. 13)

* * *

Fayette County, Kentucky
part of Virginia until 1792 when
Kentucky was admitted to the Union

1785 - Benjamin Harrison signed a petition to the Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Delegates of Virginia - Request of the inhabitants of the County of Fayette for a division of the county. (Robertson, p. 85)

Bourbon County, Kentucky
created 1785 from Fayette County
to commence May 1, 1786

Benjamin Harrison, for whom Harrison County, Ky. was named, served as a Colonel in the Revolution from Pennsylvania. He came early to Ruddles Station* and was one of those appointed to select the location of the Bourbon County Court House. He represented Bourbon County in all the early conventions; was senatorial elector; member of the Legislature, 1793. His wife was Mary and although there is an inventory of his estate filed in Harrison . . .(text missing) (Drake etc., p. 145)

*Ruddles (also called Hinkston's and Licking) Fort was built in 1779 by Isaac Ruddell, one mile from Lair Station near the Bourbon County line, now in Harrison County, about seven miles from Paris, Ky. (Drake etc., p. 193)

1786 - May 16 - The first Court of Bourbon County convened at Col. James Garrard's. First Justices, commissioned Jan. 12, 1786: James Garrard, Thomas Swearingen, John Edwards, Benjamin Harrison, John Hinkson, Alvin Mountjoy, Thomas Warring, Edward Waller, John Gregg. Benjamin Harrison was the first Sheriff, his securities were John Edwards and John Hinkson. (History Bourbon etc., p. 40)

1786 - May 17 - On the second day of Court, Sheriff Benjamin Harrison protested that he would not be answerable for the escape of any prisoner for want of a gaol. (History Bourbon etc., p. 41)

1786 - June 12 - Higgins' block-house was attacked by a large party of Indians and several of the inmates were severely wounded. On arrival of help from Hinkston and Harrison's Stations, the Indians fled without capturing the blockhouse. (History Bourbon etc., p. 34)

Harrison's Station, 2 miles from Higgins' Fort, was about 3 miles from where Cynthiana, Harrison County, Ky. now stands. (Collins, v. 2, p. 19)

1787 - James Garrard, John Edwards, Benjamin Harrison, Edward Lyne and Henry Lee represented Bourbon County at the Kentucky Convention held in Danville. (Drake etc., p. 137)

1787 - Oct. 2 - Benjamin Harrison and Mary Allison witnessed Will of Charles Allison of Bourbon County. The Will was proved by the witnesses Dec. 18, 1787. Benjamin Harrison, Esqr. was security on £500 bond for Jane Allison, Executrix. (Bourbon County Will Bk. A, p. 5)

1787 - Dec. 12 - Surveyed for Benjamin Harrison, 1,000 acres on a branch of Stoner's in Bourbon County. (Jillson, p. 57)

1788 - Benjamin Harrison signed a petition to the Speaker and the Gentlemen of the House of Delegates of Virginia - Protest of the inhabitants of Bourbon County against a division of the county. (Robertson, p. 119)

1788 - James Garrard, John Edwards., Benjamin Harrison, John Grant and John Miller represented Bourbon County at the Kentucky Convention held in Danville. (Drake etc., p. 137)

1789 - Benjamin Harrison signed a petition to the Speaker and General Assembly of Virginia - Protest of sundry inhabitants of Bourbon County against a division of the county. (Robertson, p. 131)

1789 - Benjamin Harrison entered 200 tracts in New Madrid District, Upper Louisiana. Lawrence Harrison, William Harrison, etc. applied for land between the road leading from New Madrid to Ste. Genevieve and St. George's River - subject to the rules and regulations that his most Catholic Majesty hath thought proper to direct for the settling of his territory on the Mississippi. (New Madrid Archives #1301A)

1789 - June 27 - The Spanish Governor refused to grant any of the land marked out by Colonels George Harrison* and Benjamin Harrison, which they gave notice they reserved for themselves and their friends, extending 20 miles north of New Madrid and embracing 200 separate tracts, exclusive of lakes and marshes. (Houck, v. 2, p. 125)

*Was George Morgan intended? - ISG

1791 - Feb. 15 - Samuel Anderson made a deposition before Benjamin Harrison a Justice of Bourbon County. (Chalkley, v. 1, p. 406)

1791 - June 22 - Benjamin Harrison of Bourbon County, Va. conveyed to Jonathan Morton of Fayette County, Va., 200 acres in Bourbon County on Stoner's fork of Licking, part of a 1,000 acre tract granted to Benjamin Harrison on preemption warrant entry. Consideration £60. Mary Harrison, wife of Benjamin, relinquished her dower. Witnesses - Horatio Hall, Thos. Hughs, Rob. Harrison. Acknowledged Bourbon Court June 1791 by Benjamin Harrison. (Bourbon County Deed Bk. B, p. 113)

1791 - Sept. 19 - William Anderson, Thomas Ravenscraft and Thomas Hinkson., for themselves and as guardians of John Hinkson and Agnes Stevenson, infants and co-heirs of' John Hinkson, deceased., for themselves and for their wards, gave power of attorney to their brother, Robert Hinkson, and their friend, Benjamin Harrison - to do all and every business respecting obtaining deeds for lands due the heirs of John Hinkson, deceased, by bargains, contracts and agreements entered into by deceased within the District of Kentucky; to employ one or more attorneys learned in the law should the case require it; to make division of such lands among the heirs of deceased as directed by law. Ratifying and confirming, etc. Acknowledged Bourbon Court September 1791 by William Anderson, Thomas Ravenscraft and Thomas Hinkson. (Bourbon County Deed Bic. B, p. 158)

1792- John Edwards, James Garrard, James Smith, John McKinney and Benjamin Harrison represented Bourbon County at tile Convention in Danville which framed the first Constitution of Kentucky. (Drake etc., p. 138)

1792 - John Edwards, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Jones, Andrew Hood and John Allen were Senatorial Electors from Bourbon County under the First Constitution of Kentucky. (Drake etc., p. 139)

1792 - June 24 - Benjamin Harrison was commissioned Brigadier General of the 4th Brigade, 2nd Division, Kentucky Militia, commanding the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Regiments from Scott, Bourbon and Mason Counties. (Clift 2, pp. viii, 1)

1793 - July 15 - Benjamin Harrison and wife Mary of Bourbon County conveyed to Jane Allison (widow and relict of Charles Allison) and John Allison, Executors to Last Will and Testament of Charles Allison, late of Bourbon County, all their right, title, etc. to 400 acres in Bourbon County on the north side of the south fork of Licking Creek, in trust, to be disposed of and applied to the uses as directed in the recited Will. Beginning at the lower corner to a tract belonging to Hinkston on said South Fork, etc., by other land of Harrison, etc., which said land Jane and John Allison are in actual possession of. Consideration 5 shillings. Witnesses - Thos. Moore, Wm. Garmny. Acknowledged Bourbon Court July 1793 by Benjamin Harrison. (Bourbon County Deed Bk. B, p. 367)

1793 - Benjamin Harrison was a member of the Kentucky Legislature in 1793 representing Bourbon County. (Drake etc., P. 145; History Bourbon etc., p. 220)

1793 - Dec. 10 - By act of the General Assembly, the town of Cynthiana was established on the east side of the South Fork of Licking opposite the mouth of Gray's Run, on land of Robert Harrison in Bourbon County. Trustees: Benjamin Harrison, Morgan Van Matre, Jeremiah Robinson, John Wall, Sr., Henry Coleman. (History Bourbon etc., p. 247)

1793 - Dec. 19 - An act for opening navigation in the South Fork and Stoner's Fork of Licking was approved by the General Assembly. Benjamin Harrison, John Wall and Isaac Riddle were appointed Commissioners to receive subscriptions in money, labor and property to raise a fund for clearing and opening navigation of the South Fork, from the mouth thereof to the junction of Hinkston and Stoner. (Littell, v. 1, p. 193)

1793 - Dec. 19 - Benjamin Harrison was appointed Brigadier General of the 4th Brigade, 2nd Division, Kentucky Militia, commanding the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Regiments from Scott, Bourbon and Mason Counties. (Clift 2, pp. ix, 15)

* * *

Harrison County, Kentucky
created 1793 from Bourbon and Scott Counties
to commence Feb. 1. 1794

Harrison County was named for Col. Benjamin Harrison, an early resident of Bourbon, the first Sheriff of that county, and its representative in the State at the time of the formation of Harrison County. He was a native of Pennsylvania and removed to Bourbon prior to its formation as a county in 1785, where he held many prominent positions, etc. (History Bourbon etc., p. 220)

* * *

1794 - Feb. 4 - At the first Court of Harrison County, new Justices were sworn: Benjamin Harrison, Hugh Miller, Henry Coleman, Samuel McIlvain, Nathan Rawlings, Charles Zachary. Henry Coleman was the first Surveyor with Benjamin Harrison as Deputy. At that session of Court, a ferry was granted Benjamin Harrison across Licking River; he was also appointed Commissioner of Tax. (History Bourbon etc., p. 220)

1794 - Feb. 4 - Surveyed for Benjamin Harrison, 2,000 acres on Licking in Harrison County. (Jillson, p. 185)

1794 - Mar. 4 - The first Court of Quarter Sessions was convened by Magistrates Benjamin Harrison, Hugh Miller and John Wall at the house of Morgan Van Matre. (History Bourbon etc., p. 249)

1794 - Aug. 5 - Benjamin Harrison and wife (not named) of Harrison County, conveyed to William Hall of same, 201 acres on Second Lick Run in Harrison County. Beginning on William Harrison's line, etc. Consideration £66. Witnesses - Saml. McIlvain, Thomas Rankin., Geo. Reading. Proved Harrison Court September 1794 by the three witnesses. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 16)

1794 - Sept. 1 - Mary Rawlings of Harrison County, gave power of attorney to her friend Benjamin Harrison, to transact all business regarding suit brought by William Rankin for land whereon Mary Rawlings lived. Witnesses - Edwd. Doyle, Sr., James Curry. Acknowledged Harrison Court of Quarter Sessions March 1795. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 32)

1795 - Jan. 26 - Clerk of the Harrison County Court issued license for marriage of William Hinkson and Jenny Harrison. Benjamin Harrison was surety for William Hinkson on the marriage bond. (Harrison County Marriage Bond #55, Margaret I. King Library, University of Kentucky, Lexington)

1795 - Mar- 4 - Benjamin Harrison, Morgan Van Matre, Jeremiah Robinson, John Wall and Henry Coleman, Trustees of Cynthiana, sold lots in the town to Hugh Stevenson, Benjamin Harrison, Robert McBride, John McLaughlin, Lewis Marshall, William Rankin. (History Bourbon etc., p. 250)

1795 - Mar. 4 - Benjamin Harrison and wife Mary conveyed to Christian, John, Robert and Elizabeth Scott, 230 acres in Harrison and Bourbon Counties. Morton's? line, corner to said Harrison,, etc. Consideration £81. Witness - W. Moore, C.H.C. Acknowledged Harrison Court March 1795 by Benjamin Harrison. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 31)

1795 - June 7 - John Stephenson, Marcus Stephenson and John Massey of Harrison County, conveyed to Benjamin Harrison of same, 500 acres in Harrison County, part of 1,000 acre tract granted to heirs of Hugh Stephenson in consequence of an entry made on a Military Warrant entered by said Harrison on June 24, 1780, etc. Consideration £100. Acknowledged Harrison Court July 1795 by grantors. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 72)

1795 - Indenture between Benjamin Harrison, Morgan Vanmeter, Jeremiah Robinson, John Wall, Sr. and Henry Coleman, Trustees of Cynthiana, and George Hamilton. (McAdams, p. 47)

1796 - June Court - Deed from Benjamin Harrison to Robert Griffith. (McAdams, p. 47)

1796 - Dec. 4? - Anna Stubbs of Bourbon County, Ky. gave power of attorney to her friend Benjamin Harrison - to demand and receive from a certain John Cook all monies due from Cook to the Estate of William Stubbs of which she was administratrix, to transact all and every business, etc. Witnesses - Robert Scott and (illegible). (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 209)

1796 - Dec. 6 - Benjamin Harrison, Morgan Vanmatre, Jeremiah Robinson, John Wall, Sr. and Henry Coleman, Trustees of Cynthiana, conveyed Lot 10 in Cynthiana to George Reading. Consideration $10 paid to Robert Harrison, proprietor of said town. Acknowledged Harrison Court December 1796 by Wall, Robinson and Coleman. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 209)

1798 - Dec. 22 - By act of the General Assembly, Harrison Academy at Cynthiana was incorporated. Trustees: Benjamin Harrison, William E. Boswell, Henry Coleman, Hugh Miller, Sr., John Wall, Samuel Lamb, Samuel McMullin, Samuel Cook, Robert Hingston. (Smith, p. 78)

1800 - Benjamin Harrison was taxed in Harrison County. (Clift 1, p. 127)

1800 - Dec. 2 - Deed of Sale at New Madrid, Upper Louisiana: George Ruddell to Benjamin Harrison. Two large tracts with buildings, Spanish grants to Ruddell. (New Madrid Archives #926)

1800 - Dec. 4 - Slave Sales at New Madrid, Upper Louisiana: Benjamin Harrison to George N. Reagan, Two women named Charlotte and Betty. (New Madrid Archives #928)

1801 - Mar. 12 - Benjamin Harrison, Gent., of Harrison County, Ky. conveyed to Jenny Curry, widow, of same, 100 acres in Harrison County. Beginning at Nailer's corner, east to Samuel Rawlings, northwest corner, etc. Consideration $1. Witnesses - Michael Rawlings, Samuel Rawlings, Robert Rankin. Proved Harrison Court Sept. 1801 by the three witnesses. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 646)

1801 - Mar. 12 - Benjamin Harrison, Gent., of Harrison County, conveyed to Samuel Rawlings of same, 100 acres in Harrison County. Beginning on Nailor's line at the northeast corner of Widow Curry's land, etc. Consideration £20. Witnesses - Michael Rawlings, Robert Rankin, John Boney. Proved Sept. 7, 1801 by Rawlings and Rankin. Acknowledged in Harrison County Sept. 3, 1804 by Benjamin Harrison. (Harrison County Deed Bk. 1, p. 825)

* * *

New Madrid District, Upper Louisiana

Gen. Benjamin Harrison was among the most prominent men of the New Madrid settlement. He came from Kentucky where he had distinguished himself in the border wars. He was a man of property, a slave owner, and had a large family. He fully entered into the plans of Col. George Morgan* and proposed to bring a large number of settlers into the country. His sons, Lawrence and William, were among Morgan's followers. Another son, Benjamin, Jr. was also at New Madrid. With Gen. Harrison came Benjamin Hinkston, his son-in-law and son of the celebrated John Hinkston (or Hinkson) who himself came to New Madrid from Kentucky. In 1802 while Gen. Harrison was absent on a trip to Kentucky, George N. Reagan forced his son to surrender a negro slave, claimed as part payment of land bought of Reagan, but afterward Harrison recovered the slave by suit. (Houck, v. 2, p. 125)

*The influence of Col. George Morgan in bringing many of his old companions in arms from Pennsylvania to the Spanish province of Louisiana induced Gen. Benjamin Harrison, of Pennsylvania, and Col. John Harrison, who had settled in Kentucky to come to the new country with him. Both the Harrisons afterwards removed from New Madrid to the Ste. Genevieve District. (Houck, V. 3, p. 83)

1801 - May 2 - Deed of Sale at New Madrid: Pedro Safray to Benjamin Harrison* A plantation with some structures. Plantation heavily mortgaged by Safray's creditors among whom were Gabriel Cerre, Jean Baptist Gobeau and Pierre Derbigny, Laforge and Company. (New Madrid Archives #956)

1801 - June 28 - Slave Sales at New Madrid: Barthelemi Tardiveau by public sale to George N. Reagan for Benjamin Harrison who sold them to Claude Thiriet. Two named Jacob and Marguerite. (New Madrid Archives #966)

1801 - Nov. 9 - Benjamin Harrison, formerly of Harrison County, Ky., now an inhabitant of the Spanish Province of Louisiana, conveyed to James Mullen and Patrick Griffith of Harrison County, Ky., 250 acres in Harrison County, part of tract granted to Thomas Logwood by the State of Virginia and deeded to Harrison in August 1795 by Thomas Veatch and _____Foster. Corner to Scott, etc. Consideration £50. Acknowledged Nov. 9, 1801 in Harrison County by Benjamin Harrison. (Harrison County, Ky. Deed Bk. 1, p. 658)

1802 - Jan. 4 - Benjamin Harrison of the Province of Louisiana, conveyed to Robert Scott of Harrison County, Ky., 200 acres in Harrison County. Corner to Jane Curry and Samuel Rawlings, Scott's line, corner to Samuel Anderson, etc. Consideration £60. Acknowledged in Harrison County, Jan. 4, 1802, by Benjamin Harrison. (Harrison County, Ky. Deed Bk. 1, p. 803)

1802 - Apr. 3 - Henri Peyroux, Commandant of New Madrid District, gave permission to Messrs. Benjamin Harrison, Benjamin Douglass and Benjamin Dosson (Dawson) to cultivate each one a farm of 200 arpents on the vacant lands on the River Pemiscon near Little Prairie while waiting for the titles and the survey. (New Madrid County Deed Bk. 1, p. 27, translated by Anton J. Pregaldin)

1802 - Apr. 9 - Litigation at New Madrid: Benjamin Harrison, Sr. vs. George N. Reagan. Suit re sale of two pieces of land by Reagen to Benjamin Harrison, Jr. Matter arbitrated and Harrison., Sr. ordered to pay expenses Dec. 6. 1804. (New Madrid Archives #1340)

1802 - Dec. 6 - Acknowledgment of Debts at New Madrid: Benjamin Harrison, Sr. to Richard Jones Waters - for William Hinkson, his son-in-law, Benjamin Harrison, Jr. and Lawrence Harrison, his sons, and Peter Lewis. The debts amounted to $1,428.50 which Harrison, Sr. agreed to pay in two installments in 1803. As security he mortgaged a tract on Lake St. Francois purchased from George Ruddell, a negro man Joe, negro man Tom, negro woman Lucey (two last have for some time past been in the custody of William Hinkson and live in his family), 1 dun horse, 1 yoke of work oxen 3 years old, 1 walnut desk. (New Madrid Archives #1082)

1802 - Dec. 6 - Mortgage at New Madrid: William Hinkson to Benjamin Harrison, Sr. To cover his share of the above debt, due on or before Dec. 6, 1803, Hinkson mortgaged to Harrison, 2 horses., 4 cows with their calves, 2 heifers, 20 hogs, a weaver's loom, 1 chest, 2 beds, bedsteads and furniture, 1 gun. (New Madrid Archives #1083)

1803 - Mar. 10 - Agreement at New Madrid: Richard Jones Waters and Jean Baptiste Olive. Mutual agreement by which Waters transferred to Olive an obligation of Benjamin Harrison, Sr as payment for values received by Waters from Olive: (New Madrid Archives #1109)

1803 - Summer - Litigation at New Madrid: Negro men, Tom and Joe, property of Benjamin Harrison, Sr., were taken in execution under a mortgage from Harrison to Richard Jones Waters. (New Madrid Archives #1356)

1803 - Dec. 22 - Benjamin Harrison, Sr. cancelled power of attorney given Richard J. Waters*- and revoked his Will: To all those who will see these presents, greetings. Let it be known that I, Benjamin Harrison, Senior, domiciled in the Province of Louisiana in the District of New Madrid., disavow and annul by these presents a general power (of attorney) given by me to Richard J. Waters, also domiciled in the aforesaid District, as well as a Will which is thereto annexed., hereby declaring of no value all other acts or writings, etc. which he may have made in the meantime in virtue of the aforesaid Power, or in case of my death, I declare also, my last wishes, or the Will which is attached to the said power, to be nul and without effect or value, and as a thing that never happened. In virtue of which I have affixed my seal and signed by hand this 22nd day of December, 1803.

Before me. Benj. Harrison, Sr.

Juan Lavallee

(New Madrid Archives #1153, translated by Anton J.Pregaldin)

*Richard Jones Waters settled at New Madrid about 1790. fie was a doctor, trader, mill owner, land speculator. (Douglass, P. 97)

1804 - Feb. 1 - Letter, Charles Dehault Delassus to Henry Peyroux. Have received suit of Messrs. Waters and Olive vs. Benjamin Harrison, Sr. but pressing current work has prevented paying any attention to it. (New Madrid Archives #1429)

1804 - Apr, 25 - Litigation at New Madrid:James Ashworth vs. Thomas, slave of Benjamin Harrison, Sr. Prosecution for robbery. Verdict rendered against Thomas, May 24, 1804. (New Madrid Archives #1359)

1804 - Apr. 30 - Litigation at New Madrid: Richard Jones Waters vs. William Hinkson and Benjamin Harrison, Jr. Petition to take negro slave Joe, formerly property of Benjamin Harrison, Sr., into protective custody. Judgment rendered in favor of Waters, May 2, 1804. (New Madrid Archives #1356)

* * *

Ste. Genevieve District, Territory of Louisiana

Gen. Harrison moved from New Madrid District to Ste. Genevieve District and had a grant on which is now located the town of Altenberg in southeast Perry County. (Douglass, p. 66)

* * *

1805 - June 26 - Benjamin Harrison, Sr. signed a petition - Inhabitants of Ste. Genevieve District to General James Wilkinson, Governor of the Territory of Louisiana - recommending that Moses Austin, at present Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the District, be continued in that place. They also asked the Governor to be cautious in making choice of Associate Justices,, that such men only be appointed who could render assistance to the Chief Justice in the discharge of his arduous and highly responsible situation. (Territorial Papers, v. 13, pp. 141-42)

1806 - Benjamin Harrison, Sr. signed a Memorial at Ste. Genevieve, to the President of the United States, but he signed "with an Exception in favour of Col Hammond": Citizens of the Territory of Louisiana said they had learned with regret that a petition was in circulation in the Territory for the appointment of a person to succeed General Wilkinson as Governor, who they believed would not give satisfaction. Without intending to dictate, they wanted the President to know they had the fullest confidence in Col. Return J. Meigs, Jr. and Col. Samuel Hammond, either of whom, should they meet with the President's approval, etc. (Territorial Papers, v. 13, pp. 468, 480)

1806 - July 18 - A writ was issued from the Court of Common Pleas of New Madrid District against the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of Benjamin Harrison, to satisfy a $50.50 debt he owed Richard Jones Waters.

July 22 - George Wilson, Sheriff of New Madrid District, seized 100 arpents of land (part of 700 arpents on River Pemiscon near the old village of that name), property of Benjamin Harrison, Sr. and granted to him.

Aug. 26 - At a public sale the land was struck off to the highest bidder - Richard Jones Waters for 420.00. Witnesses to the deed - George Ruddell, J. Culbertson. Acknowledged Dec. 19 (1806?) by George Wilson, Sheriff. (New Madrid County Deed Bk. 2, p. 85)

1807 - Aug. 3 - Benjamin Harrison, Sr. and Benedict Reiley? witnessed a release from John May to Henry Reiley, both of Ste. Genevieve District. The land transferred was on the Mississippi River immediately above the grand tower in said District.

Nov. 13 - Benjamin Harrison, Sr. brought the above release to the office of the Recorder for Ste. Genevieve District in behalf of Henry Reiley, said he saw John May execute the deed to Henry Reiley, etc. (Ste. Genevieve County Deed Bk. A, p. 203)

1808 - Feb. 23 - On the 23rd of February last I perform'd a ceremony of Matrimony between Benjamin Harrison son of Benjn. and Mary, whose maiden name was Newel, of the one part, and Polly Stephenson daughter of Marcus Stephenson and Nancy, whose maiden name was Hinkson, of the other., both of the settlement of Obrasoe - Given under my hand this 6th day of March 1808.

Isidore Moore J P

(Ste. Genevieve County Marriage Bk. A, p. 2)

1808 - Benjamin Harrison "died sometime about 1808 leaving certain children)" etc. (Deposition Sept. 9, 1817, National Archives Record Group No. 49, v. 11, P. 516; see Hinkson section, p. 24)

When heirs sold his land Aug. 3, 1819, they said Benjamin Harrison was late of Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri Territory, that the land conveyed was on the Mississippi River in Ste. Genevieve County, which Benjamin Harrison in his lifetime inhabited., etc. (Washington County, Mo. Deed Bk. B, p. 14; see Hinkson section, p. 25)

The above deed was recorded on Apr. 12, 1821 in Perry County, Mo. where the land was located. (Perry County Deed Bk. 1, p. 6)

Perry County was created Nov. 16, 1820 from Ste. Genevieve County, effective Jan. 1, 1821.

1811 - January Court - The County Court of Harrison County, Ky., ordered that John Wall, John Miller and George _______being first duly sworn before Magistrates of the County, appraise in current money the slaves if any and personal estate of Benjamin Harrison, deceased, and return an inventory and appraisement thereof to the Court at some future time if any be found. (Harrison County, Ky. Order Bk. B, p. 192)

1812 - Mar. 5 - Robert Harrison of Harrison County, Ky., one of the heirs at law of Benjamin Harrison, deceased, appointed his brother and co-heir, Battle Harrison of Belmont County, Ohio, his attorney-in-fact to obtain warrants due to their deceased father for his services as a Captain in the 13th Virginia Regiment. (Burgess, v. 3, P. 1397)

1812 - Mar. 5 - Before John Miller and L. Robinson, Justices of the Peace for Harrison County, Ky., Hugh Newell, Robert Newell and Thomas Moore deposed that they were well acquainted with Benjamin Harrison, deceased, from time of his marriage, until his death; that Battle Harrison of Belmont County, Ohio, and Robert Harrison of Harrison County, Ky. were acknowledged by Benjamin Harrison as his legitimate children. Thomas Moore further declared that Benjamin Harrison and himself were both Captains in the 13th Regiment. (Burgess, v. 3, p. 1397)

1812 - Apr. 20 - The representatives of Benjamin Harrison entitled to land allowed a Captain of the Continental Line for three years. Virginia Council Chamber, Apr. 20, 1812, James Barbour, Governor. Received of Register, Warrant 6014 for 4,000 acres issued 20 April 1812.

    Attest: John Davenport
    (Burgess, v. 3, P. 1397)
    Battle Harrison
    (for myself and as attorney for Robert Harrison)

1812 - Apr. 20 - Land Office Military Warrant 6014 (our soldier's name was misspelled!): To the Principal Surveyor of the Land set apart for the Officers and Soldiers of the Commonwealth of Virginia: THIS shall be your WARRANT to survey and lay off in one or more surveys, for Representatives of Benjamin Harris, their heirs or assigns, the quantity of Four Thousand acres of Land, due unto the said Representatives in consideration of the said Benjamin Harris services for three years as a Captain of the Virginia Continental line agreeably to a certificate from the Governor and Council, which is received into the Land Office. Given under my hand, and the seal of said Office, this twentieth day of April in the year one thousand Eight hundred and twelve -

4000 Acres

Chas. Blagrove
Regr - Land Off

For value received I do hereby assign unto William Fulton Eight Hundred acres of the within Warrant Number Six Thousand and fourteen -

June 16th 1812.

Witness present
Eliza Fulton
John A. Fulton
Batteal Harrison the legal Representative of Benjamin Harrison

(National Archives Record Group No. 49, v. 14, p. 153)

Page last revised 01/06/2007