Henrico H. Pandolfi
Unknown Unit and Prison Camp (?)

In a letter to James Mills, December 29, 1983
Hi Mills,

I'm sending you a couple of pictures of myself from 1944.  Do you remember me ?  I was in the woods when this tank fired on us with 88.  I got hit in the right leg, the guy on my left got hit in the elbow.  It happened so fast.  Hell did break loose.

Do you remember a Francis Powers ?  He's the only guy I keep in touch with because he doesn't live to far from me, about 20 miles.  I lost touch of all the other guys.

I'm retired now.  I'm going on 67, feeling pretty good until yesterday.  I slipped on steps on my back and fractured a rib.  Very bad weather down here.

So long for now.  Hope to hear from you again.  Send me a picture of yourself.  Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a very Happy New Year.  Keep in touch.

Page last revised 11/26/2006

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