Amos J. Hokrein
422nd Infantry Regiment, Company E
(Jul-Aug-Sep 1994 CUB)

I received my Basic Training at Camp Blanding, Florida, IRTC.  Went to Camp Atterbury for advanced training and was assigned to "E" Company, 422nd Regiment.  While there I was promoted to PFC and qualified for the Expert Infantry badge.

Went with the Division to England on the HMS Mauritania and was billeted at Adelstrop, near Oxford, England.  Shipped to the Continent via South Hampton and LeHavre.  On to St. Vith.  When the Bulge broke I was taken prisoner with many others near Schonberg.   Marched as prisoners through Bleialf to Prum then on to Gerolstein.  Boarded boxcars at the marshalling yard and locked up in the bitter cold.  On Christmas Eve, while still locked in the box cars, we were bombed by allied planes.  There were many prisoners killed and wounded.  On Christmas morning they let us out of the box cars to stretch our legs and get a drink.  Later that day they moved us by train until we were unloaded at Stalag IV-B, Muhlberg, Germany, on the Elbe River northwest of Dresden.

After five weeks at IV-B I was put in command of a work party (Kommando) and sent tot he Amensdorf paper factory where we were made to unload freight cars loaded with heavy logs that would be ground into pulp for the paper.  On April 13, 1945, because the Russian Army was closing in, they marched about 150 POWs, (American, English, Polish, French, Belgian and Dutch) to the West towards Allied forces.  On April 19, 1945 we met up with the 69th Infantry Division.  I stayed with them until I was sent to Halle, Germany for medical attention.

While at Halle, the war ended and I was flown to Rheims, France then to Camp Lucky Strike near LeHavre.  I cam home in June of '45.   After 72 days of recuperation I went to Ashville, North Carolina for rehab and discharge.  Instead I was shipped to Fort Sill, Oklahoma and made an instructor of School Troops in a motor pool.  I was eventually discharged at Fort Sill in October 1945.

After shifting around I went to work for GE working on Engine and Fire Control Systems for aircraft, ships and submarines.  Then went to work for Bendix in similar duties for NASA.  My association with NASA enabled me to work on spacecraft rockets and shuttles.

I love to travel, since my hobbies are limited by health.   I have a travel trailer and have covered the contiguous Untied States.  I particularly like the Maine and Washington Costal areas.  At age 74 I am still anxious to see more of our great country.

Page last revised 11/27/2006

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