Phillip J. Albaum
423 Infantry Regiment, Company K
AlbaumPhillip.jpg (9132 bytes)
POW Photo
German Stalag, January 1945

"In The General's House and Other Stories", by Igor Lupinski and Phillip J. Albaum.

In a world overflowing with books about World War's refreshing to come across a work of fiction penned by an American who was a POW in a German prison camp following the Allied defeat in the Battle of the Bulge...Zeke Hymans experiences the life of a POW, making friends among the British and Russians in the Stalag.  It's a pleasure to read fiction so obviously steeped in fact and gracefully revealing the indomitable character of human spirit in the face of death. (American Library Association).

He offers a paperback edition @ $12.95 each or a clothbound @ $22.95.  106th Association members can take a 20% discount on each book.  Add $3 shipping per order.  Order from Daniel & Daniel Publishers, P. O. Box 1524, Santa Barbara, CA 92102

Page last revised 12/06/2006

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